Monday, 3 February 2014

It's A Mystery

It's a mystery to me where the time seems to fly to!  I blink, and yet another week seems to have vanished....

I do have an excuse for part of last week as youngest daughter was experiencing severe stomach pains and our doctor did mention that she could possibly be developing appendicitis..... we had quite an anxious few days when she was in a lot of pain but by Saturday, thank God, she was feeling better and the pain had started to recede.

 On Sunday she was very much improved and today she was well enough to return to school. She was tired when she came home, but otherwise feeling well and her appetite has returned with a vengeance.

I do have a few more books to comment on, which I hope to do in a day or two, but tomorrow  I will be accompanying our dear John to a routine hospital visit to provide him with moral support and to act as an extra pair of ears for him as even with his hearing aids, he can still find it quite difficult to understand people if they are speaking quickly or have a strong accent.

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